The Benefits of All-on-4® Dental Implants

More than 120 million people in the United States are missing one or more of their permanent teeth. Over 36 million have no teeth at all, a condition that can make eating and even talking more difficult. Though dental implants have emerged as a complementary alternative to dentures and bridges, conventional implants can take months to integrate with your jawbone before supporting replacement crowns. 

There’s now a single-day implant solution called All-on-4® that replaces a complete dental arch, top, bottom, or both, on four implants per arch. The team at Sargon Dental specializes in All-on-4 implants, and we’re ready to help you rebuild your ideal smile. 

What is All-on-4 all about?

Dental implants are now considered the gold standard for the replacement of missing teeth. Techniques and applications continue to develop, and one of these, All-on-4, specifically encapsulates the benefits of traditional dental implants while avoiding the drawbacks, particularly the months-long treatment time necessary for these conventional techniques. All-on-4 addresses tooth loss using four implants to replace an entire top or bottom arch.

Customizing your All-on-4 treatment plan to your needs, your Sargon Dental caregiver evaluates your candidacy for the procedure. Jawbone health and volume serve as a foundation for any successful dental implant, so we’ll evaluate your condition with a thorough oral examination and review of your dental history. Unlike other implant approaches though, most patients with complete or near-complete loss of a full dental arch qualify for treatment.

A new approach to multiple tooth loss

At its simplest, a dental implant is a one-to-one replacement. You receive one implant to replace one tooth. All-on-4 uses, as its name implies, four implants to secure a full arch of teeth. Instead of up to 16 individual incisions and implants, you receive four. 

That’s just the beginning of the All-on-4 advantages. Its treatment concept often encompasses a single day for extractions, implants, and placement of the restoration bridge. Individual treatment plans may vary, so some patients may have portions of their treatment spread over weeks or months. 

The All-on-4 advantages

Healing for four implants demands less of your body’s recovery systems, and any time a surgical procedure uses fewer interventions, the chances for complications fall dramatically. 

Your day starts with a digital 3D scan of your mouth before any remaining extractions occur, followed by the placement of your implants. Simultaneously, Sargon Dental uses an on-site dental laboratory to manufacture the arch that’s custom-designed to fit your new implants. 

Find out more about the All-on-4 implant concept by visiting Sargon Dental, in Encino, West Hollywood, or Pleasant Grove, Utah. Call or click to reach the office of your choice, and enjoy the excitement of planning your new smile. 


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